Saturday, July 9, 2011


because you eat everything like you've never eaten before; and you think your stomach can hold it all in--but it can't; but you don't care so you eat some more and then feel like shit being a gluttonous little pig

because you put on makeup and pretty clothes but all you want to wear are sweatpants and a hoodie

because you wear sweatpants and a hoodie on a beautiful day as people in sundresses and shorts pass you by

because you feel ugly

because you don't want to do any work but lay in bed with the blinds closed, the lights off, and a whole tray of food ready to be dominated by you, prepared at your disposal

because everything irritates you: the sound of people's voices, the sound of your voice, the little dog you allow to sleep on your facem the dumb shows on tv, anyone laughing and being happy, the overplayed songs on the radio...

because your cramps attack you randomly causing you to jerk in awkward positions at awkward times of the day

because you never know whether you have to poop or fart

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